Shemale Yum Faces of 2008 #4 : Lisa Paradise

I still keep having to apologise to Canadian cutie Lisa Paradise. When her first photos came into the Grooby offices in 2005, by Craig, I almost nixed them as not good enough for the site. To be fair, in one short year she blossomed (with the help of some well documented surgery) closer to the girl she is today and in 2006 and 2007 she made a return to Shemale Yum in solo and hardcore sets respectively.

I don’t think it would be unfair to talk about Lisa Paradise being all “shemale”. She’s got a bold look, the shag of blonde hair, the lips, the boobs, the come to bed eyes and the pure sex appeal that some tgirls have naturally. She’s also got a few years on most of the girls you’ll find in this list and looks fantastic for it – certainly a shemale cougar if there ever was one? Another reason I like Lisa so much, is that she’s smart and well-informed and often can be found on one board or another (you’ll find her on Tgirltalk and Hung Devils fairly often. She’s got a lot to say – and it’s all good stuff, so when you need a break from looking at Lisa’s photos and videos, tune in and see what she’s got to say for herself.

… and Lisa, I apologise!

Published On: December 28, 2008Categories: TGirl JapanTags: , ,

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