Shemale Yum Reaches 1200 Unique Models!

We hit a milestone this weekend of having 1200 individual models on Shemale Yum.

The site that started with under 12 models, 14 yrs ago hasn’t stopped looking for new models and most models have mutliple shoots … that’s a massive amount of models considering that 99% of them are N.American or European transgenders ( has over 3500 models but it’s easier to attain high numbers with Brazilian and Thai models).

470 models come amazingly from one photographer, the non-stop tgirl magnet Tony Vee … considering our other prolific photographers are Buddy Wood (92 models), Crag (63 models ), The Commander (65 models) PK Vegas (58 models) barely make that number between them it’s a considerable feat.

To celebrate I’m going to be showing over the coming weeks some of the highlights of those 1200 Shemale Yum models.

The earliest model I can find on the site goes back to 1997 (we had a few unique ones shot in 1996 but most of the content back then was user submitted). Brittany Ramirez, who is still active and well known in the Corpus Christi tranny scene, came to us from our Texas photographer who still turns in sporadic shoots. She’s was a fuller figured and having met her a few times, a real sweetheart.
These sets used to come in to my mailbox in 35mm film rolls which I processed at Joe’s Basement in London, before scanning and uploading. This one set would be a full week’s update.

Shemale Britney Ramirez on Shemale YumShemale Britney Ramirez

It’s hard to believe how much has changed since then! Now here’s a set from more recently. First appearing in March 2008, this Tony Vee model from New Jersey became the site favourite immediately and since then she’s never been out of the Top 3. Other girls have came and gone, but Chrissy remains at the top – maybe because in each shoots she shows us something different, having done hardcore and gloryhole scenes and may be soon doing a bukkake scene for us.
She’s unique to Shemale Yum and appeared in 14 shoots for us, with many more planned.

Shemale YUm's ChrissyShemale Yum Chrissy

I will continue to post more from our walk down memory lane! So stay tuned or check out SHEMALE YUM and all we have to offer!

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