SMY Hardcore 7: Thick Las Vegas shemale

Thick native American shemale Delilah has been a favourite of the website and personally of mine since she first appeared in 2004 when photographed by the now deceased Vegas Bob. We hadn’t seen her in a couple of years so it was a welcome return when PK Vegas shot her again for us in 2006 – and she looked better than ever. Some shemales really suit being thicker and Delilah has a fantastic ass!

For this scene we decided to do a bit of a massage theme …
“Diezel walks into Happy Ending Massage after a stressful day at work and Delilah greets him with a very warm welcome. She gets him on the table and helps him work out all his tension and stress. In the end it is a VERY Happy Ending for both of them . . . ”

Shemale massage with happy endingTranssexual happy ending massage

Published On: February 24th, 2009Categories: Uncategorized

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