Boots 1982-2008 Black Transsexual Murdered in Hate Crime

“Boots” 1982-2008. I read on a forum posting, about a transgender murdered in the Bronx, allegedly by a “john” who was unaware that she was a transsexual. As I read the report, I didn’t recognise the name until I keyed it into our database and found out if was one of my favourite models – and one of the most popular recent girls we’ve worked with, Boots.
You can read the news report by clicking onto this tgirl talk thread.

Boots first contacted us from Transformation magazine, interested in modelling, these are always the girls I like (wanting to work and contacting us) so we were quick to get her in for a shoot with Tony Vee. Her long, lean body, her flexibility and the fact that the photos showed a lot of her fun, sexual personality, made them a hit and we contracted her in for more work including a hot hardcore. Tony recalls her as being one of the best girls to work with, nice, friendly, easy going.

Many of these girls lead hard and dangerous lives. Often they put themselves in harms way, either through naivety , ignorance or just the need to survive. We see he girls on sites like this (or DVD’s) and they’re fantasy characters, to entice and titillate to sell a product that ultimately ends in sex (usually self-manipulation). Those of us who meet the girls in real life are often only afforded a small glimpse into their lives, their desires and their dreams for the future. They are however, real people with a real life. They have real families, real friends and some even have plans and direction for the future.
We’ve always tried to present the girls as “real” – allowed them a place to speak should they want and actively tried, to encourage discourse about the girls among our main principles of erotica.
Take a minute to look at Boots sets and remember a girl who wanted to model and show herself to the world, who appeared to live her life as she wanted to and had that life snuffed out, by one individual who claims, he was shocked when he found out it was a transsexual.
If there ever was an example of a hate crime, or a reason why “hate crime” laws exist. This is it.

Another Fallen Angel, Boots.

[Grooby Productions will be donating a portion of it’s recently released, Tony Vee’s Outta Control Tgirls Vol 2. in which Boots starred, to an appropriate transgender rights or support charity.]

Published On: February 13th, 2008Categories: Uncategorized

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