shemale bedtime stories

1 Month of Hazel Tucker and Bedtime Stories for ONLY $44.99!

November 4, 2009|

This has been all about Hazel Tucker! Yes, that delicious All-American shemale who made her debut on Shemale Yum now has her very own website AND stars in our newest DVD, Shemale Bedtime Stories. In celebration of all things wonderfully Hazel Tucker, we have a special promotion going on right

Buddy Wood’s Shemale Bedtime Stories Will Keep You UP!

November 3, 2009|

Buddy Wood’s Shemale Bedtime Stories is our latest addition to our Grooby arsenal of DVDs and let me tell you, after watching this DVD, there will be something you’ll want to do rather than going to bed! It’s quiet in the evening and poor ol’ Hazel Tucker can’t seem to

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