Shemale Yum Faces of 2008 #5 : Amber Bangs

Amber Bangs is someone I know very little about. She debuted as far as I know on Bob’s Tgirls a few months before Buddy Wood heard that she was interested in appearing on Shemale Yum – and the Los Angeles based photographer “bumped” into her three times that week! He claims that it wasn’t the easiest shoot – where Amber wanted to make it into a Vogue shoot, Buddy wanted to put his trademark stamp of porn onto the shoot.

She’s a hot 22 year old Latina from Los Angeles who can be found out and about sometimes but generally seems to keep a fairly low profile. She’s got an awesome look and could probably do that “Vogue” shoot that she wants!

Buddy is working on getting Amber Bangs (and we don’t know why that is her name!) to return for a shoot in 2009. We await with eagerness!

Published On: December 29, 2008Categories: Buddy Wood, Grooby GirlsTags: , , , , ,

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