Climax Mondays and Thursdays

The expectations and the fantasy of porn have often been discussed, but in no other area of porn, is the dichotomy of who trans girls are (and what they can do) and the reality further apart. Many fans of transerotica are seeking the hardest, biggest cocks. They want trans women who are ready to fuck every guy in the ass. They want cum shots that are equaled only by Peter North or fueled by their expectation of hentai characters. They also want the girls to be drop-dead gorgeous, with every aspect of stereotypical femininity apparent.
The reality is for many trans women to transition, they need to embark on a lifelong regiment of hormone blockers or replacements, aesthetic maintenance of their skin and hair as well as those who take surgical options. It’s financially costly and unless managed correctly, can be medically and emotionally detrimental.
As a company whose income is adult entertainment, we have to provide what the buyer is looking for – the fantasy, yet be aware of the reality and what it takes to make that perfect scene. If we don’t come close to providing what a customer wants and is willing to pay for, we don’t have a business, and the content production stops. The models know this, the producers know this, and the marketing team knows this. What we’re doing is trying to reach a compromise on what the customer wants, what the models can provide and keep a degree of authenticity while we’re at it.
There are no set rules, but generally trans women on hormones will have difficulty reaching a ‘cumshot’ which produces much fluid. Many may have difficulties getting erect, and almost every performer has viagra available to them. It may not be just the hormones, there may be additional lifestyle issues that are also a factor but the gist is that those 15 minute solo jerkoff/cumshot scenes may have taken hours to produce, with water breaks, models needing to be left alone (with the producer coming in to capture the ending), friction burns, tons of lube and viewing porn on their phone to get a climax, and sometimes barely a drop of liquid appears. This isn’t every shoot, we’ve models who can literally come and go within an hour but it is not a rarity to have difficulties getting what we need. It’s tough on the producers who have been told to get cumshots, it’s tough on the performers who are trying to produce and then when sold to the members as a cumshot scene … it’s disappointing.
We’ve always required cumshot scenes in our sets, and other companies expect the same (many with stipulations of staying hard throughout the scene which could take the better part of a day). Performers will go off hormones for periods of time to be able to perform better, but there is some thought on the detriment this can have to their emotional and physical well-being. It should be a choice of the model, and never the stipulation of a company or the industry. I appreciate that those who also work as providers or cam girls, know that being erect, and cumming can pay them better or they can work longer. The point being – it should be the prerogative of the performer, yet if it’s going to affect her work and income, what choice does she have?
We’ve had accusations thrown at us in the past, that we asked models to come off hormones to shoot – which is completely unfounded and part of a smear campaign, yet we have paid bonuses for cum shots, we have created on GroobyGirls ‘Cumshot Mondays’ (one shot single scenes, which let us provide more cumshot content and more shoots to models). We’re not going to stop looking to get cumshots, or promoting that fact – but what we’re looking to do is manage the expectations of the consumer while alleviating some of the issues that trans models have. In cis-porn, authenticity is shown by a cis-female reaching an orgasm or climax. Sometimes these are shown as squirting (ahem – peeing – squirting is almost always fake) but the best performers, and the best producers know that an authentic climax will show on screen, and work for the viewer. Viewers expect and need to see that climax to know the model is excited and they can climax with them.
All our trans performers can reach an orgasm… they ‘cum’ … but some produce more fluid than others. By changing our ‘Cumshot Mondays’ (on or ‘Cumshot Thurdays’ (on Black-Tgirls) to ‘Climax Mondays/Thursdays’ we’re aiming to educate the fans and customers, to manage their expectations that they may not see a gushing cumshot, it may be a lot less bu with a flush of the face and the full affect of ‘la petite mort’ apparent in their expressions and bliss we hope to provide an exciting viewing experience. By renaming our content to ‘Climax’ instead of ‘Cumshot’ we’re also removing any issues with gender of cumshot, which I understand can be problematic for some.
A Caveat : Much as we want to make progressive changes and hope that models and supporters take it on-board, as I’m sure most will – this does not mean we’re giving a pass to models to under-perform, to not prepare for a shoot or to give us lackluster content. Models should appear on set, rested (and without having had sex that day – or the night before), hydrated and ready to provide a great scene which if they can do it, will have erections and full orgasm and climax shots. We’re going to continue to bring back the models that rate the highest, get the best feedback and whose content gets the most engagements – so those who perform the best, will be invited to more work.
Grooby is constantly striving to improve itself, the trans porn industry and to educate the public on our performers and all feedback will be taken into consideration.